انگلیسی؛ ایجاد وفاداری به نام تجاری از طریق مالکیت سهام فردی
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تعداد صفحات: 10
حجم فایل: 97 کیلوبایت
قیمت: 3500 تومان


Building brand loyalty has become more important, yet more difficult to achieve in today’s marketplace. This research investigates a possible avenue for building brand loyalty that is not directly related to the marketing of the product – attracting individual investors in the brand’s corporate parent. A survey of over 500 individual investors revealed that individual investors do tend to buy brands from companies in which they hold stock, and investors may buy stock in a company because they have

experience with the brand. In contrast with brand loyalty, where consumers will not buy competitive offerings, individual investors indicated they would buy competitive offerings, suggesting that stock ownership is more likely to lead to repeat purchase behavior, but not brand loyalty.


Keywords:      Brand loyalty, Repeat buying, Buying behaviour, Investors, stocks and shares

Author(s):      Denise D. Schoenbachler, Geoffrey L. Gordon and, Timothy W. Aurand

Source:           Journal of Product & Brand Management, Volume 13-Number 7 · 2004 · pp. 488-497

Subject:          مدیریت بازاریابی

Category:        مقاله مجله

Release Date: 2004

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