A Strategic Marketing Management Approach Of The Relationship Between Companies On B2B Field
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تعداد صفحات: 14
حجم فایل: 380 کیلوبایت
قیمت: 3500 تومان
The main objective of this paper is
to identify a conceptual model to integrate the strategic marketing management instruments
in the relationship between the organization on the B2B market in Romania and
its suppliers. In order to be able to see the way in which the conceptual model
of integration of strategic marketing in the relationship with suppliers can be
applied by Romanian companies on B2B field, a quantitative research has been
undertaken, having as main objectives to identify which are the main criteria
used by organizations in segmenting, targeting and positioning their suppliers
and also to identify what type of relationship exists between companies in the
B2B field in Romania and their main suppliers. The whole marketing theory
resides on the idea of customer and market orientation, and starting from this
the concept organizations are as successful as much as they adapt their
reactions to the evolutions and changes in the marketing environment. As a
consequence to this the marketing theory developed by placing in the centre of
its scientific methodology and instruments the market and the relationship of
the company with its customers. Our research, has led us to the conclusion
that, especially on B2B markets, organizations focus their marketing activities
not only on the relationship with their customers, but on the relationship with
their suppliers as well. In the supply chain, companies appear as buyers and
also as clients for the suppliers of goods, financial resources and of work
force. The classical model that describes the relationship of a company with
its suppliers presents the acquiring company as a “passive” one, the “active”
role being the one of the supplier for which the buying organization appears
like customer. Although in numerous occasions the buying company has an
“active” role, thus being able to discuss about a different strategic approach
(an active one).

Keywords: marketing management, strategic marketing management, B2B, marketing mix, positioning
Author(s): Cescutefan Claudiu
Source: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 24 (2011) 387–400
Subject: مدیریت بازاریابی
Category: مقاله مجله
Release Date: 2011